Lessons Learnt in 2020: An Odetta Perspective
We asked our Odetta community what they learned in 2020, and this is what they said:
“I learnt a lot in 2020. It taught me to live in the present and be grateful for what you have as we don’t know what might happen the next moment. Life is very unpredictable so live in the moment. Also try to spend as much time as you can with your parents also.”
“Because of the pandemic my whole thought process has evolved! So this year my learning is “Just to be grateful for whatever I have”. Life is unpredictable, so make most of what you have. Alhamdulilah”
“Only I can take care of myself. Nobody’s gonna do that for me. And that my mental health is more important than any relation, job, and commitment. ”
“Nothing is permanent in life. Live the moment. Do it - Don’t postpone. Be grateful for what you have. Be ambitious and passionate about what you do.”
“To keep going in life you need to be happy for others and work hard for yourself to get what you want. People who envy others only make their own lives miserable meanwhile the other person is happy and making the best of it. Also, we should always make Dua for things we desire and always be grateful for even the slightest things in life and even if things aren’t in our favor we should still be grateful because it could’ve been worse and God only tests those who He knows is worthy of it.”
“Be grateful for what you have and take nothing for granted, Allah answers in unimaginable ways for the prayers and things you asked for.”
“Be grateful for the moment you are living now. Because if you are in a good state in this era of a pandemic it means you are more than blessed and don’t take it for granted. Also, be your own unique version. You are not going to get an Oscar for being perfect all the time. It’s important to keep hold of the little things that bring us joy and give us confidence. Do what you love because when you lose touch with the things that make your heart sing, you lose touch with yourself. Don’t get lost in your longing. Get back in touch with your passions.”
“Keep family-meetups a priority, because who knows when you’ll see them again.”
“It’s my responsibility. If it’s mine I should not depend upon others or else it will be taken for granted.”
The pandemic has changed our company forever. 2020 has instilled a feeling of independence in a few while teaching the rest to cherish each and every moment in their lives. Being grateful and appreciative of the things we are blessed with is a lesson that countless people have learned.
This year has also taught us about living in the moment and realising that we must give prioritise ourselves more. Our mental and emotional well-being is something that must be looked after. We hope that these feelings stay with us past the pandemic too.