Welcome to Odetta, your go-to platform for flexible, remote work designed to empower women globally. We're not just giving teams more time; we're also creating an inclusive environment where women can unlock their full potential.

Our Global Reach

We're proud to have a global family of 350 Odettians. With 530 annual training hours, we're committed to their professional growth. Every Odettian receives regular performance reviews, leading to 92% getting performance-based increments and 22% earning promotions.

Empowering the Underemployed

More than half of our Odettians were previously underemployed or unemployed. We're thrilled to offer these talented women the chance to develop their skills and reach their career goals.

Building a Supportive Community

Remote work doesn't have to be lonely. At Odetta, we've created a community that encourages collaboration and support, making 95% of our Odettians feel more connected than on other freelance platforms.

Join Our Mission

Be part of Odetta's mission to transform the global workforce and make a positive impact, one project at a time. Join us in our mission to empower women globally and give teams back their time. #WomenEmpowerment