The Ultimate Guide To Staying Mentally And Physically Healthy While Working From Home

Studies show that work-from-home increases productivity, sparks greater creativity and innovative thinking, and enhances overall life satisfaction & happiness quotients. The work-from-home lifestyle has its perks, but, like everything in life, it comes with its uniquely defined set of challenges. Mental and Physical health effects of work-from-home may seem difficult to manage, given that it’s a relatively new lifestyle for many. Good health is central to human wellbeing and overall happiness. The realm of health includes not only physical health but mental, social, emotional and spiritual health as well. So, it’s important to take care of both your mind and body. We share some insights to maintain your physical and mental health while navigating the work-from-home lifestyle.

Invest in the right home-office gear

It might be tempting to think that your comfy sofa is a great place to work from. Your very own warm and cosy, comfortable space! However, working for long hours without maintaining the correct posture can cause severe back, shoulder and neck pains. An ergonomic chair and a suitable home office desk are absolutely essential. These two are important for improving your posture and maintaining your overall back and spine health.

Don’t take your work outside of the home-office

With the opportunity to work-from-home, comes the flexibility to work at hours of your choice. However, this poses the risk of working around the clock or 24/7 and sometimes not being able to have designated weekends or free time. Creating a ritual that separates your work hours from your time off can really help. It can be something as simple as washing your hands and face as soon as you finish your workday. The following tips can help maintain your sanity while working from home:

  • Set up a designated workspace

  • Structure your day and take scheduled breaks

  • Turn off your social media and other notifications when working

  • Find your most productive hours in the day

  • Set your working hours. Only focus on your work during these hours, and forget about the dirty laundry or the dishes in your sink. Work when you have to work, & make sure to keep job affairs out of your everyday home life

  • Know when to stop. Stop working around a certain hour every day. It may seem easier said than done, but it is essentially crucial to draw boundaries and maintain a healthy work-life balance

Importance of physical activity

Physical activity boosts both your body and brain health. This means you can not simply spend your entire day crouching over your laptop and watching movies in your bed. Add blocks of physical activity in between work tasks. Even simple exercises around your desk space will work wonders for how your body feels throughout the day. Using a standing desk can help you beat inactivity too. Join a gym, take walks around nearby parks, or even practice yoga and meditation. Having a daily physical activity based on your passion or interest helps a lot. This may be cycling for some and swimming or playing basketball for others. Choose what you love and you are more likely to stick to it!

Reduce eye strain

Staring at your laptop for several continuous hours can lead to eyestrain and fatigue. Experts recommend employing the 20-20-20 rule for people who work for long hours on computers. According to this rule, it is suggested to take a 20-second break every 20 minutes to look at an object at least 20 feet away from your screen.

Digital detox - switch off and disconnect!

After long hours of working around your gadgets (laptops, PCs, tablets, and smartphones), it seems logical to ditch the gadgets and resort to a more analogue way of life. However, we usually end up reading on our Kindle, Facetiming our friends and continuing the digital lifestyle until we finally doze off to our dreamlands.

Here are some useful tips to help you with your digital detox:

  • Use an app to control your screen time and know when to stop

  • Prioritize your friends and family: Face-to-face interaction is important for your mental health, so plan visits and attend get-togethers 

  • Make time for self-care: Taking a class or joining clubs can also be hugely beneficial for your mental and physical health

  • Reconnect with nature: Being in nature not only makes you feel better emotionally but also contributes to your physical wellbeing. Reconnect with simple things in life and do things that you enjoy. Spending an afternoon hiking beside the lake, or strolling around the neighborhood in the evening can really make a big difference

Stick to a healthy diet

To maintain good health it is extremely important to eat right. While it may be hard to resist cheeseburgers and fries, the benefits of a consistently healthy diet really add up over the course of your life. So, you need to plan your diet, cautiously and intentionally. Always prepare your meals in advance, and you won’t resort to convenient, fast and unhealthy options.

Don’t consider good health as a one-off goal to check off your ever-growing to-do list. A healthy lifestyle (both mentally and physically) is a constant work in progress. Instead of trying to make plenty of sweeping changes all at once, pick one or two areas of your life where you can make healthier changes right now, like eating better or making time to exercise each day. Then, once those habits are part of your routine, move on to the next area where you’d like to improve.

Taking care of your well-being should be your priority. Although work-from-home offers flexibility and leaves you with more extra time on your hands, it has its fair share of challenges. Only the right habits will help you navigate the work-from-home lifestyle without sacrificing your physical or mental health.