#WomenInTechWeek Profile — Dur-e-Mah Rafi

Is one month enough to celebrate women? We don’t think so!

Presenting you #WomenInTechWeek profiles of one of many of the amazing women who make a tremendous impact at Odetta. This week we are featuring Dur-e-Mah Rafi.

#WomenInTechWeek Profile: Dur-e-Mah RafiCopyright: Odetta, Inc.

#WomenInTechWeek Profile: Dur-e-Mah Rafi

Copyright: Odetta, Inc.

What is your field of expertise?

Business Development & Management

How long have you been working in this field?

0-2 years

Designation at Odetta

Data Analyst

How long have you been working with Odetta?

5 months

How do you find Odetta as a workplace?

Being a freelancer is one of the best jobs in the world. It was my good fortune that I have found a company like Odetta which gives me a liberty to work from wherever I like, and choose my own clients. Odetta provides me a complete liberty and flexibility to work. This flexible environment gives me enthusiasm to work and provide me inner peace.

Is there anything that you find challenging about your job at Odetta?

The little bit challenge I faced was to get adjusted to the new workflow and software that I had never used before. But gradually, I am getting hang of it.

Define Odetta in three words.

Motivating, Welcoming, Flexible

What is "success" for you?

Success to me is knowing that my contributions have positively impacted my company

Your favourite quote?

"There is no limit to what we, as women, can accomplish." Michelle Obama

How do you improve yourself as a woman in Tech?

As women, we can take steps today to empower ourselves in our respective careers.I can improve myself by learning new software and programming skills that will be helpful for me in the field of Tech.

What advice do you have for upcoming talent? Any advice for women who want to choose tech as their career?

Be the change you want to see in the world.

What is something you love to do? And something you dislike?

Love: Charity work
Dislike: Impatience

Tell us about a favorite moment or memory at Odetta or from your career?

The favorite memory with Odetta is completing my first project and it's feedback was overwhelming.

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