Candidate Tracking Management

What Is It

In the domain of Recruiting & Talent Management Solutions, Odetta's Candidate Tracking Management ensures an efficient and strategic approach to handle the intricate process of talent acquisition. It involves meticulous tracking of candidates throughout the hiring lifecycle, streamlining the workflow from application to onboarding.

What Can We Do

Our service encompasses two vital subservices:

  • Fill out HR Info System: We take charge of populating your HR Information System with accurate and relevant candidate data. This ensures a centralized and organized repository of information that aids in better decision-making and streamlined HR processes.

  • Managing a Hiring Funnel: Odetta excels in the systematic management of hiring funnels. From initial candidate outreach to the final selection, our teams orchestrate a seamless process. This involves strategic planning, regular communication, and the use of advanced tools to track candidates' progress through the funnel.


The Odetta Difference

Odetta's Candidate Tracking Management stands out for its precision, efficiency, and adaptability. We understand that every organization has unique recruitment needs, and our services are tailored to meet those specific requirements. With Odetta, you're not just getting a service; you're getting a recruitment partner committed to your success.

What sets Odetta apart is our commitment to transforming the candidate tracking process into a strategic advantage. By leveraging technology and our expertise, we optimize the hiring workflow, reduce time-to-fill, and enhance the overall quality of hires.

Benefits of Candidate Tracking Management

  • Efficiency Boost: Our streamlined processes result in a more efficient and faster hiring cycle.

  • Data-Driven Decisions: The use of HR Information Systems ensures data accuracy and enables data-driven decision-making.

  • Enhanced Candidate Experience: A well-managed hiring funnel contributes to a positive candidate experience, reflecting positively on your employer brand.

What Our Clients Have Said

We are having a fantastic experience with Odetta as always! Very much appreciate your team’s partnership and willingness to pivot quickly as our business grows and moves in new directions. Thank you so much for all that you and your team does!
— Rachel, General Manager at Flare