2 Years of Odetta
Odetta is an on-demand workforce powered by female technical talent in the Middle East and South Asia. We offer our clients an outsourcing experience that gives them the highest quality for value in the marketplace.
Odetta began from an idea of founder Katharine Wolf, as she learned about the low female participation rates in the labour force is the Middle East and Asia. With less than 25% of labour force being made up of women, she saw an opportunity in the market to build a unique platform for these women who are prevented from working for various reasons. Wolf took a former classmate from Pakistan in confidence, and together they tested out the idea by posting about “work from home opportunities for smart women in Pakistan” on Facebook. Within 24 hours, there were over 250 responses to the post and the idea for Odetta was validated.
“[...] the thought of having a career with a newborn baby seemed absurd. When I had given up all hope of being able to work again anytime soon, Odetta [...] provided me with the opportunity to have an amazing job, with the most flexible hours.”
Wolf started out recruiting one female freelancer and finding one client. Slowly, the team grew to ten freelancers and five clients. Currently Odetta has a team of 200+ freelancers and 90+ clients. Odetta focuses on data science, collection, analysis and enrichment. The distributed teams of analysts can quickly collect and analyse the required data for clients, giving them a sorted output of results.
Overtime, Odetta has worked on many different projects for clients including Google, Fluxx and Turnbridge.
“I’d be quick to recommend Odetta, and will keep sending work their way.”
Along with being a freelancing platform, Odetta is a community of students, 9-5 workers, and homemakers. With teams and groups made for each task, new inductees can interact with more experienced freelancers and get advice on the task at hand.
“Odetta is an ideal platform to learn and excel your skill. It helps its team to grow under the supervision of experienced seniors.”
“As a DataHolic, Odetta gave me an amazing opportunity, and they are spreading their effort to reach girls who want to feel empowered and they are in need, i feel really lucky to be part of this amazing team and I’m so glad that I am mastering my skills in doing DATA!”
Odetta also differentiates itself from other freelancing platforms by not only promoting women but having a rigorous quality assurance process by means of Team Leads and Quality Controllers. This ensures not only client satisfaction by having top quality output but encourages and promotes the team of freelancers by providing them direction in their tasks.
“Odetta isn’t just a company, it’s a family where you wanna give your best to support. Working remotely has helped me a lot finding the balance between my full time job and my passion towards data.
I can tell that working with Odetta has changed many aspects of my life and I am proud to be part of it :) ”
Odetta also differentiates itself from other freelancing platforms by not only promoting women, but having a rigorous quality assurance process by means of Team Leads and Quality Controllers. This ensures not only client satisfaction by having top quality output, but encourages and promotes the team of freelancers by providing them direction in their tasks.
“I am very happy with the way the project went. The team [verified] the work they were doing and were very thoughtful about raising concerns or questions.”
Wolf envisions Odetta to be the top source of technical talent globally, allowing women to log their hours of choice and to complete work which personally interests them. When seen in reference to the current rate of growth, it isn’t long before Odetta will be the leading freelancing platform for work in the Middle East and South Asia.