Why The World Needs Odetta

Odetta is a one-of-a-kind workplace. We provide an amazing opportunity for highly talented women in the Middle East, South Asia and Southeast Asia to prove their abilities and grow in a safe and supportive enviroment. The company works on a unique model- we offer a remote, completely flexible work platform to a pool of handpicked, skillful women who can make their own hours. We also work to boost and upgrade their individual skills and expertise.

Image by Good Faces from Unsplash

How it works

Odetta’s clients are mainly based in the U.S.A. They choose us because our quality-for-price ratio is unmatched. Our services have recently expanded to now include Data Collection, Candidate Sourcing, Lead Generation, and Data Enrichment & Labelling.

We give women the confidence to be able to work from home according to their schedules and expertise. The Odetta community values all of its members and provides everyone with the opportunity to work on new projects and learn from their peers. We also emphasise building personal connections with each other and strive to make our Odettians feel supported.

It is important for women to support and empower each other because wonderful things can happen when they do! 

Women are relatively underrepresented in the STEM field. In part, this is caused by societal expectations, and/or the lack of online opportunities for women to join the workforce This is the problem we hope to fix. Odetta is first and foremost a women-empowered online working platform, aiming to be a space where women are conscious of their own worth.

How are we Unique?

  1. We support our freelancers

    Freelancers often have to deal with unresponsive clients, unclear deadlines and long periods of unstability. At Odetta, our leadership team is focused on creating an environment where our freelancers feel like their concerns can be voiced and feel like they are part of an actual community.

  2. We believe in having a work-life balance

    In the Middle East and South & Southeast Asia, women are often expected to be very family-oriented and usually can’t pursue their careers while managing a household. This expectation prevents them from being able to dedicate the necessary time for a 9-5 job. Odetta recognizes this challenge and provides a platform with flexible work hours.

  3. We pay our freelancers on time

    Being paid on time on the previously agreed upon rate is one of the main challenges that freelancers face. You don’t have to worry about delayed payments if you work for Odetta. We make sure all payments are processed on time and communication is clear between our leadership team and freelancers.

  4. We give clear instructions for every task

    Another challenge that freelancers usually face is unclear instructions. You recieve initial instructions, submit your work and find out that your client has changed their mind and wants something completely different. This can prove to be a waste of time and results in unncessary, extra work.

    At Odetta, we ensure our clients submit thorough instructions with their requests and make sure that all necessary instructions are included in the subsequent project descriptions. Our QCs are also always there to resolve problems and maintain communication with the clients.

A woman looking at another woman during a meeting.

Image by Mimi Thian from Unsplash

Want to learn more? Join our team today!

Want to hire us? Get in touch!

Life at OdettaTayyaba Qamar