Sometimes it's the people no one imagines anything of who do the things that no one can imagine

The Odetta Boost: Sometimes it's the people no one imagines anything of who do the things that no one can imagine

Dear Reader,

There are a million and one ways to get stuck.

One of the most isolating things about self-worth issues is that we assume we are the only one feeling like we are not good enough. What if I were to tell you that the desire to become whole is the common thread that binds our sisterhood of Odettians globally. I am convinced that in seeing each other overcome life’s obstacles, we rewrite our own narratives and send a beam of loving kindness throughout the world and into our own hearts.

I think back to all of the ways I held myself back. I thought I was too old. I thought I was not good enough. I thought I should have been prioritizing different things like the other people did. I thought why me?

Ultimately you have to give yourself permission to be great.


Monthly Spotlight: Data Classification Workflow for Accounting Firms
We built a large team to replace the inhouse team at an accounting tech firm. Our roles include making subjective classification decisions about various items on financial statements after they have been processed by OCR tools. Our value proposition is high quality relative to inhouse team, improved cost per entry and improved SLAs with 24/7 coverage. It is a win-win.
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Client Testimonials
"We are having a fantastic experience with Odetta as always! Very much appreciate your team's partnership and willingness to pivot quickly as our business grows and moves in new directions. Thank you so much for all that you and your team does!” 

— Rachel, General Manager at Flare
Odettian Quote
"For me, making my parents proud has always been the most incredible feeling ever. Alhamdulillah, I have been blessed enough to turn this dream of buying my own car into reality, after a struggle and hard work of 3 years.

I feel immensely grateful and would like to thank Odetta, Inc. for making this achievement possible for me. You truly have empowered me, financially,
socially, and psychologically.

And to all the self-made dreamers out there, work hard and invest smart! If I can do it, so can you!!" — Hafsa Naeem
Quote of the Month

"Sometimes it's the people no one imagines anything of who do the things that no one can imagine.” — Alan Turing
(Hats off to Asna of Odetta for the quote)
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San Francisco, CA

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