The Dividends of Giving Away 💕

The Odetta Boost: The Dividends of Giving Away 💕

Dear Reader,
There is a simple truth that is not often talked about in Silicon Valley: the more we give away, the more we get in return. I’ve seen this happen too many times not to pay attention.
We met a customer who had an interesting data challenge, but it was not a good fit for Odetta. We told him he would be better off by choosing another company and shared the name of the company we thought could help him. This is pretty standard practice but he was so impressed that he has been referring clients our way ever since, which has generated a significant amount of work for our Odettians.
We hire people who are often overlooked by traditional companies. One of our screening mechanisms is to understand how much someone has overcome to get to where she is now, and we look for people who could most benefit from our virtual environment. Some may consider this “giving away”, and yet in return, we get a fiercely loyal and passionately focused team. Whenever we make decisions that directly improve the lives of our Odettians, the amplifications for the business are profound.
We have learned that by serving your customers beyond the transaction, or by helping your team meet their highest potential even if that is not your business goal, you will actually be more likely to reach your business goals.


Monthly Spotlight: Data Entry Workflows in Salesforce

We help our clients with data entry workflows in Salesforce. We are often enriching data according to a process, and running workflows that require human judgment or that are not a high priority for automation. One of our larger clients has the following workflows with Odetta: we update & maintain client profiles in Salesforce,, and Pandadoc based on inbound customer support data, and we act as their customer service representatives by directly engaging with their clients via phone and text to handle issue resolution in real-time.

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Founder Lesson Learned: How Does Understanding Bias Create a More Inclusive Workplace?

People often need to see to believe. To the extent that your company messaging around inclusion is delivered authentically, the applicants will know that. They know that you have built a place where they'll feel valued because they see people like them or they're meeting people who have a full appreciation or make them feel safe or seen or heard. So that starts in the messaging of the company and often reveals a lot of our biases.

Client Testimonial

“We like the Odettians’ sincerity, integrity, and accountability.”

—Program Manager, Online Legal Care Company

Odettian Quote
“I was very enthusiastic and career-oriented from my school life, but sadly couldn't accomplish my goals. After getting married and having children my life became full of responsibilities, and then the year 2020 due to the corona wave made us financially very unstable. It was Odetta who helped me to stand up on my feet. It helped me to pursue a career. It helped me to boost positivity in myself. I am proud to say that I am a mother of 4 working from home. Some days are very hectic with kids and some are easy to manage. My older kids, who are in grade 4 and 1 respectively, go to school and my younger ones between the ages 2.5 and 1.5 years old are naughty to manage with work but I do it very easily because I love my work and motherhood both.”
—Qurat-ul-ain Shakeel, Active Odettia
Quote of the Month
“If we are rushed for time, sow time and we will reap time. You will have more time than ever and your work will get done. Sow time with the poor. Sit and listen to them, give them your time lavishly. You will reap time a hundredfold. Sow kindness and you will reap kindness. Sow love, you will reap love. “Where there is no love, if you put love, you will take out love.”
—Dorothy Day, Social Activist (from her 1952 autobiography, The Long Loneliness)
Copyright © 2022 Odetta, Inc., All rights reserved.

San Francisco, CA

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